Madness (ska) propose son clip pour "C'est La Vie", extrait de son 13ème album, Theatre Of the Absurd Presents C'Est La Vie qui sortira le 17 novembre en CD, cassette et double LP (noir ou pic-disc Zopetrope).
liste des titres:
1. Prologue: “Mr Beckett Sir…”
2. Theatre of the Absurd
3. If I Go Mad
4. Baby Burglar
5. Act One: "Surrounded on all sides..”
6. C'est La Vie
7. What On Earth Is It (You Take Me For?)
8. Hour of Need
9. Act Two "The damsel in distress..”
10. Round We Go
11. Act Three: "The situation deteriorates..”
12. Lockdown and Frack Off
13. Beginners 101
14. Is There Anybody Out There?
15. The Law According to Dr. Kippah
16. Epilogue: “And so Ladies and Gentlemen..”
17. Run For Your Life
18. Set Me Free (Let Me Be)
19. In My Street
20. Fin.: “Ladies and Gentlemen..”